JUMP TOAPIIntroduction to VWO REST APIRequest TypesResponse CodesAPI Rate LimitsAuthentication and AuthorizationAuthentication for personal use of APIAuthentication for third-party applicationsWorkspacesRetrieve all workspacesgetRetrieve specific workspacegetCreate a workspacepostUpdate workspacepatchRetrieve timeline feeds of a workspacegetDraftsGet all drafts campaignsgetGet specific draft campaigngetUpdate draft campaignspatchDelete draft campaignsdeleteCampaignsCampaign resource representationGet all campaigns in a workspacegetGet details of a specific campaigngetGet share link for a specific campaigngetCreate a campaignpostUpdate a campaignpatchUpdate campaign statuspatchGoalsGoal resource representationGet all goals of a campaigngetGet details of a specific goal in a campaigngetCreate a campaign goalpostUpdate a campaign goalpatchDelete a campaign goaldeleteVariationsVariation resource representationGet all variations of a campaigngetGet details of a specific campaign variationgetCreate a campaign variationpostUpdate a campaign variationpatchDelete a campaign variationdeleteSectionsSection resource representationGet all sections of a campaigngetGet details of a specific campaign sectiongetCreate a campaign sectionpostUpdate a campaign sectionpatchDelete a campaign sectiondeleteCustom WidgetsCreate a custom widgetpostGet all custom widgetsgetGet details of a specific custom widgetgetGet list of linked campaigns of a custom widgetgetUpdate a custom widgetpatchDelete a custom widgetdeleteProjectsProject resource representationGet all projects in an account / sub-accountgetGet details of a specific projectgetCreate a ProjectpostUpdate a projectpatchDelete a projectdeleteFeaturesFeature resource representationGet all features in a workspacegetGet details of a specific featuregetCreate a FeaturepostUpdate a featurepatchDelete a featuredeleteWebsitesWebsite resource representationGet all websites with their attributesgetGet details of a specific websitegetGet configuration details of a specific websitegetUpdate configuration of a specific websitepatchGet SmartCode for a specific websitegetUsersGet all usersgetGet user detailsgetCreate a userpostUpdate user detailspatchDelete usersdeleteTracking codeGet VWO SmartCode of workspacegetWorkspace ThresholdsGet workspace thresholdsgetUpdate workspace thresholdspatchThird-party IntegrationsGet integration settings of a WorkspacegetUpdate integration settings for specific accountpatchBillingGet billing details of accountsgetGet billing cycle details of accountsgetGet account invoicesgetLabelsGet labelsgetGet labels of a specific campaigngetAdd labels to a campaignpostDelete a campaign labeldeleteCampaign labelsPartnersGet partner detailsgetPage OverviewGet Page Overview DetailsgetiOSQuick Start GuideApp and VariableAdding the Mobile App to TestDefining the Variables You Want to TestMobile A/B TestCreating A/B TestsCode BlocksVariables in an A/B TestSDK ReferenceSDK InstallationLaunching the SDKLaunch ConfigurationTrigger GoalsPush Custom DimensionPreview ModeTargeting Visitor GroupsUser IDIntegrationsLoggingOpt OutOffline ConversionsDemo AppFAQsImpact AnalysisAndroidQuick Start GuideApp and VariableAdding an AppAdding a VariableMobile A/B TestCreating an A/B TestCode BlocksVariable in an A/B TestSDK ReferenceSDK InstallationLaunching the SDKLaunch ConfigurationTrigger GoalsPush Custom DimensionPreview ModeTargeting Visitor GroupsUser IDIntegrationsLoggingOpt OutOffline ConversionsDemo AppFAQsImpact AnalysisReact-NativeReact Native GuideDemo AppFlutterFlutter GuideDemo AppCordovaCordova GuideFullStackOverviewVWO Insights - Mobile appIntroductionSession RecordingsAndroid SDK ReferenceInstallationInitializationStart/Stop RecordingCustom AttributesCustom EventsSet TagHide ViewsManual Screen SetImpact AnalysisIOS SDK ReferenceInstallationInitializationStart/Stop RecordingCustom AttributesCustom EventsSet TagHide ViewsImpact AnalysisFlutter SDK ReferenceInstallationAndroid IntegrationIOS IntegrationDart(Flutter) IntegrationSet Navigator ObserverStart/Stop RecordingPause/Resume RecordingMasking using VwoWrapperCustom EventsCustom AttributesReact Native SDK ReferenceInstallationAndroid IntegrationIOS IntegrationReact Native IntegrationInitializationSet Navigator ObserverStart/Stop RecordingCustom EventsCustom AttributesFAQsVWO TESTING - WEBVariation AppliedOpt-outEnforce variationVWO LoadedTrigger virtual page loadStop execution/sessionEvent HooksLifecycle EventsVWO INSIGHTS - WEBSurveySurvey shownSurvey answer submittedSurvey completedSurvey set thank you page timeoutGet billing cycle details of accountsget https://app.vwo.com/api/v2/accounts/billing-cyclesGET /accounts/billing-cycles Get Billing Cycle details of Current Account.