Using the VWO demo app, you can try Mobile App A/B testing.
To try the demo app, you will need ApiKey
Running the Demo App
Clone the demo app from
Browse to vwo-ios-sdk/Demo
Run pod install
Enter ApiKey
You need to add an app to your VWO account. Please refer to Adding an App for details.
Copy your ApiKey
Run the app from Xcode. You can choose either a simulator or your iPhone.
When the app is running, click the Menu icon in the upper-left corner.

Select Enter API Key from the menu options, and then paste your api key.
If you using a simulator, you can use Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + V
to paste your api key in the text box.
Xcode launch parameters
Developers can use Xcode launch parameters to test the app.
Step to launch:
- Open Edit Scheme (Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + <)
- Run → Arguments → Arguments Passed on Launch
- Click on + sign and add your API in format
-VWOApiKey <your-api-key>
- Close

When you run your app after setting launch argument, it should appear pre filled in launch alert

APIKey in launch will not launch VWO
Adding your API Key to the launch parameter will only make your work easy by automatically adding the API key to the input text field. Developer will have to manually launch the app separately.
Sorting Campaign
Showing a list of items is a common requirement for many apps.
How do you know what sequence is better? What better way to tell than to A/B test!
Defining Variation
Steps to run Sorting Campaign:
- Under Mobile App A/B, click Create Menu and then choose your App, platform, and set the campaign key to "sorting". Click Next for the Variations screen.
- On the Variations screen, update the variation names as seen in the image below

In your app, click the Refresh icon located in the upper-right corner of the navigation bar.
This should change the sequence of items

Following code handles the A/B testing for Sorting campaign
let variation = VWO.variationNameFor(campaignKey: "sorting")
switch variation {
case "Sort-Alphabetically":
phoneList.sort(by: sortPhoneAlphabetically)
case "Sort-By-Price":
phoneList.sort(by: sortPhoneByPrice)
The code above does the following things
- Get the variation name for a campaign whose campaign key is "sorting"
- Depending on the variation name we decide if the sorting is to be done alphabetically or by price
- Once the list is sorted we reload the table data
Defining Goals
Click Next, and then define a goal using the following goal identifier.
We can see if the goals work correctly.
Click Verify.

Select your device from the drop-down menu.

On selecting any product (phone) from the list, you can see the product details.

When you select the product, Goal 1 becomes Verified.

This happens because, we have placed VWO.trackConversion( "productView")
code upon selecting a product.
If you want to verify the goal for variation, select Variation from the drop-down menu, select refresh in the app, and then repeat the same process.
Finalize Campaign
Click Next to move to the final stage of campaign creation. You can set percentage traffic allocation and then do advance targeting.
To start the campaign, click Finish.
Variable Campaign
How do you know what content would appeal to your users
This campaign helps us test various alerts by presenting various titles and content
Defining Variation
Steps to run Layout Campaign:
- Under Mobile App A/B, click Create and then choose your mobile app.
- In the Variations screen, create variable named heading and content of String type
- Set the values accordingly
- You can use the code generated on right side

After creating the variables add them to your campaign and set values accordingly

Select your device from the options(three dots), and then select Preview on Device.

In your app, click on any house in the list and you can verify the look and feel of all the variation
The variation section of the demo app will change.

Defining Goals
Click Next and then define a goal using the following goal identifier.
We can see if goals work correctly.
Click Verify.

From the device drop-down menu, select your device.

When you tap on upgrade button in the alert, the goal will get verified

This happens because , we have placed VWO.markConversionFor(goal: "upgrade-clicked")
code on tapping the upgrade button.
If you want to verify the goal for the variation, select Variation from the Control drop-down menu and then tap on Upgrade button in alert
Finalize Campaign
To move to the final stage of campaign creation, click Next. Now, you can set percentage traffic allocation and perform advance targeting.
To start the campaign, click Finish.