Impact Analysis

This page tracks the impact of VWO SDK on different parameters for an app.

Launch Time

The SDK is designed to be launched in the background, ensuring that it does not impact the launch time of your app. Asynchronous initialization is the recommended approach for optimal performance.

Increase in APK file size

When an Android app is integrated with the VWO SDK, the increase in the size of the APK file is around ~800 KB without Proguard and ~300 KB with Proguard.

DependenciesUncompressed Size (in KB)
(Without proguard)
Uncompressed Size (in KB)
(With proguard)
com.vwo.insights~500 KB~260 KB
net.lingala.zip4j.zip4j~92 KB~27 KB
com.squareup.okhttp3.okhttp~550 KB~140 KB

Dex Method count

DependenciesMethod count
(With Proguard)

Android Application Analysis

Here is a summary of the Android application analysis. This analysis includes a sample APK with and without the Insights SDK.

Proguard DisabledProguard Enabled
APK Size
(without SDK integration)
5.5 MB2.1 MB
APK Size
(with SDK integration)
6.3 MB2.4 MegaBytes
Increase in APK size~700KB~300KB

API Calls

VWO SDK makes two types of API calls to VWO CDN.

  1. AppSettings- During SDK initialization, a single request is made to fetch settings, with two retry attempts. If this initial request fails, the SDK does not make any further attempts to fetch settings. This approach ensures consistent app behavior throughout an ongoing session.
  2. DataSync - Data synchronization for session recording and heatmaps is facilitated through a dedicated request. In the event of a failure, the SDK keeps track of the issue and will attempt to resend the data after a specified interval.

Please note that these mechanisms are implemented to maintain the stability and reliability of the SDK's functionality.

Network Usage & Response time

APINetwork TypeBandwidth(Usage)Time Taken
AppSettings3G~1KB< 0.5 sec
AppSettings4G / 5G~1KB< 0.5 sec
AppSettingsWiFi~1KB< 0.5 sec
DataSync(per API-request)3Gmin:- ~50KB
average:- ~130KB
max:- ~180KB
< 2 sec
DataSync(per API-request)4G / 5Gmin:- ~50KB
average:- ~130KB
max:- ~180KB
< 1 sec
DataSync(per API-request)WiFimin:- ~50KB
average:- ~130KB
max:- ~180KB
< 1 sec