Survey set thank you page timeout

Survey set thank you page timeout


The survey.setThankyouTimeout API allows you to modify the default timeout for the survey's "Thank You" page. By default, the survey popup auto-closes after 5 seconds, but you can set a custom timeout based on your requirements.


window.VWO.push(['survey.setThankyouTimeout', <time_in_ms>]);

Callback Data

Type: Object containing below information

ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
time_in_msnumberYesTime in milliseconds for how long the thank you page stays open (e.g., for 10 seconds, pass 10000).


// Example: Set thank you page timeout to 10 seconds
window.VWO = window.VWO || [];
window.VWO.push(['survey.setThankyouTimeout', 10000]);


  • Customer Engagement: Extend the time the thank you page remains open to allow customers more time to engage with follow-up content, such as special offers or additional information.
  • Content Consumption: Give visitors more time to read and interact with the thank-you message without feeling rushed.


  • APP-CONFIG: Configurable globally for all surveys.
  • CAMP-CONF: Can be set at the campaign level, affecting only the specific survey campaign.
  • Default Timeout: The default timeout is 5 seconds, but it can be customized using this API.