VWO Loaded


VWO loading on a page can be broken down into three main steps:

  • Loading Campaigns: The VWO SmartCode retrieves all campaigns eligible for the current URL from the server.
  • Library Initialization: The VWO library is loaded. As it loads, it executes all eligible campaigns for which the relevant page elements have already been loaded.
  • Loading Remaining Campaigns: The VWO library fetches the remaining campaigns in the account. This includes campaigns eligible for other pages and any active Insights campaigns.

The following callbacks are triggered on different steps of VWO loading on the page:

  • The onVWOLoaded callback is triggered when Step 2 (library initialization and campaign execution) is completed.
  • The onVWOCampaignsLoaded callback is triggered when Step 3 (loading of remaining campaigns) is completed.

Note: This API would work only when there are active campaigns in the account. If there is no active campaign in the account, we would not serve the library on the page.

Library Loaded


window.VWO = window.VWO || [];
window.VWO.push(['onVWOLoaded', function(data) {
    // Callback logic here


callback_functionFunctionYesFunction executed once the VWO library is fully loaded

Callback Data

Type: Array containing two elements: [executedCampaigns, delayedCampaigns]

executedCampaignsObjectJSON object with campaign IDs as keys and their selected variation/combination IDs as values
delayedCampaignsArrayList of campaign IDs that are yet to execute on the page
smartCodeObjectSmartCode config object currently containing only timeout property as boolean and this is undefined if there has been no timeout.
Sample Data
    {   // executedCampaigns
        "123": "1",
        "456": "2",
        "789": "2"
    [   // delayedCampaigns
window.VWO = window.VWO || [];
window.VWO.push(['onVWOLoaded', function(data) {
    if (!data) return;
    var executedCampaigns = data[0]; 
    var delayedCampaigns = data[1]; 
    var smartCode = data[2];

    console.log('Executed Campaigns:', executedCampaigns);
    console.log('Delayed Campaigns:', delayedCampaigns);
    console.log('SmartCode:', smartCode);
  	// Custom logic like opting out visitors where SmartCode timed out to ensure persistent experience.
    if(data && data[2] && data[2].timeout) {
      var date = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 30 * 60 * 1000); //30 mins
      document.cookie = "_vis_opt_out=1; path=/; expires=" + date.toGMTString() + ";domain=." + window.location.host; 

Campaigns Loaded


window.VWO = window.VWO || [];
window.VWO.push(['onVWOCampaignsLoaded', function (data) {
    // Your implementation here


callback_functionFunctionYesFunction executed after all campaigns are loaded

Callback Data

Type: Object containing campaign information

bucketed_campaignsArrayList of campaigns the visitor is bucketed into

Each campaign object in bucketed_campaigns contains:

<campaign_id>stringAssigned variation id
namestringCampaign name
variationstringAssigned variation name
Sample Data
    "bucketed_campaigns": [
            30: 2, // campaign id is 30 for which visitor got bucketed into with the changes application of variation id 2
            "name": "Campaign A",
            "variation": "Variation 1"
window.VWO = window.VWO || [];
window.VWO.push(['onVWOCampaignsLoaded', function (data) {
    for (var campaign of data.bucketed_campaigns) {
        for (var campProps of Object.keys(campaign)) {
            if (parseInt(campProps) == campProps) {
                console.log("Campaign ID", campaign[campProps]);
            console.log("Campaign " + campProps, campaign[campProps]);

Use Cases

  • Analytics Integration
    Sync campaign performance data with platforms like Google Analytics or Mixpanel to measure conversion rates, engagement, and campaign success.

  • Persistent experience
    Ensure visitors have a uniform experience by opting them out of VWO if the SmartCode times out, preventing unexpected variations.